Is magnetism an energy? – Free Energy Definition Thermodynamics For Dummies

In a word, no. While the concept of electromagnetic radiation is derived from the fact that some electromagnetic forces are generated in the human body, magnetism is not a force, nor is it the source or source of energy.

Magnetism in the mind: the magnetism in the unconscious

In the early 20th century, German physicist Rudolf Clausius stated: “The force of the magnet is generated by the brain”. In fact, his statement could not have been more correct. One might assume that the magnet is the physical cause or source of the mental forces generated by the body. This assumption is correct when one understands that the magnet is caused by two independent forces, the force of attraction and the force of repulsion.

While the brain is capable of generating magnetic fields, this force can only act through electromagnetic radiation and this is why the “magnetic field” is not the same thing as the magnetic field in the brain. These forces interact in several possible ways and cannot be separated. Magnetic forces interact in the following ways:

Magnetic interaction

Magnetic attraction

Magnetic repulsion

The magnet does not have to interact with magnetic fields to be strong, only strong magnetic fields can do this. The magnetic spectrum contains between ten and twenty different bands of frequencies that, according to the research of physicist Alfred Heil, are all considered to be responsible for the creation of the electromagnetic field that makes our consciousness “see”. These frequencies are called “hertz”:

The term “hertz”: frequencies (the frequency in which something vibrates)

These frequencies range anywhere between 0.1 – 10 kHz

The range of frequency above 100 Hz may be referred to as “microwave”;

Other frequencies may be referred to as “ultra-high” and “ultra-low”.

There are also electromagnetic fields composed of different frequencies:

Magnetic waves
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Magnetic waves are the waves of energy that are generated within the body, the brain, or anywhere else in the electromagnetic spectrum.

We will see several examples in this section. While the brain generates the magnetic fields that we experience, this field is not necessarily the first to show up.

The waves of energy that we can see are also called “electron pairs”:

When one of these electrons interacts with another, it can have either a positive or a negative “charge”. If a positive electron is attached to an atom, the molecule is considered

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