Why is life coaching so expensive? – Coaching Business Plan

And what about the money that you save, the time to practice, and the people who will pay for all these things once you have them? Is a $5 hourly coaching session worth $10,000 and a year’s living?

How Much Does It Cost?

There isn’t a magic rate but the amount you pay should be a big factor in how you choose to shop. A study conducted by an online education company found the cost was between $15 and $49 depending on the level and length of counseling. Some firms also have hourly rates to choose from in addition to full hour-long sessions.

The key takeaway here is that not all companies will offer equal quality service. If you need extra advice, or just want to see your money go further, seek your coach online or in person.

You may find a better deal by scheduling online therapy; this doesn’t mean that your coaching session will cost more, but the time to speak with a professional, make an appointment, and go through one-on-one sessions will be a lot more beneficial to you than one-on-one sessions that cost a lot more.

What You Can Get Away With, and What You Won’t

Before you make a decision, make sure you are really serious about it. If you are just doing it to be happy (or because a therapist recommended it), your therapy will not work. But if you are willing and ready to commit to a full-time commitment—even once you find an online provider—your time will pay off big, and your goals will look even better when you’re back home.

The question: Is it worth the effort?

With more options available than ever before, it’s hard to decide without a thorough understanding of what you can actually get out of it. The truth is, you probably will do a lot of work for most of your sessions. Some of it will be focused on getting the answers to questions but, most of it will be practical.

You will learn a great deal about yourself, your life, your relationships, and what you want to do with your life, and you will experience a lot of joy and peace. The work will be fulfilling, challenging, and, most importantly, fun.
Coaching Blog

If you truly want a true healing experience, you will want to try out every option.

When should you seek professional counseling, even if you don’t want to?

When you feel yourself in a deep dark funk

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